how to update mysejahtera profile
How to Update MySejahtera if Positive Covid-19. Using your mobile phones browser register an account at MySafeTravel portal using either your email address or phone number.
Answer the 6 questions.

. Please update the MySejahtera App on your Google Play Store or IOS for COVID 19 Vaccine Registration. Select Option O-Other Issues then select Option E-Other Issues. You fix it by following the steps as follows.
Tap on COVID-19 Status. I want to delete my account. What you should do if tested positive.
For everybody info you must refresh n update ur Mysejahtera every alternate days. Heres a quick guide to doing so as shared by the MySejahtera team. Use Health Assessment Tool Home Assessment Tool HAT.
Tap on the menu at the top right corner of your Profile page. Update MySejahtera to the latest version. If your vaccination certificate is lost after you change your NRICpassport number on MySejahtera fret not.
Check again your profile. Download MySejahtera app and register an account with either your email address or mobile phone number. Click on the Helpdesk on the MySejahtera main page.
Please verify your full name your IC number and your phone number. How To Update NRIC In MySejahtera. Scroll to the bottom of the Profile screen until you see a list of your vaccine dependents My Dependent Status.
MySejahtera Forgot Password No SMS or Email. Now they are sharing a video of a police press conference with a new warning update MySejahtera every day or face a RM2000 fine. I want to update my Name IC Passport User ID or delete my account - G.
Click Start to begin the MySejahtera COVID-19 survey. Click Helpdesk on the MySejahtera homepage. Register and Select Appointment Slot for PICKids 5-11 year old Covid-19 Vaccination.
Tap on Profile at the lower right corner. Tap Close in the default Check-in screen. Welcome to Our YouTube Channel All techAbout this video-Hello Do.
If you go to your profile you will see that the date has changed. Then key in the relevant information including the email address at which they should write to you. Select your MySejahtera user ID whether its your mobile number or your email address.
Both are currently hidden in your MySejahtera profile and the update will bring them to the forefront to make it easier for you to display them. This video which was shared on social media shows you how to update your COVID-19 status in MySejahteraBut remember - there is NO FINE for not updating it. You will send the COVID-19 Vaccination icon so click on it to register.
Generate MySejahtera QR Code Check In for Business or Private Premise. Please have your email or phone ready as you will need to verify your account with OTP sent to either one. If your going to Johor you will need to fill in the Malaysia Vaccination application Mysejahtera App with your Vaccination Details.
Register new account on Website not phone. Click Vaccine for your name to continue. Update MySejahtera App to the Latest Version.
Tap on the Change MySJ ID option in your Profile SettingsIf its missing check to make sure you updated to version 1038 or later. Tap on the Close button on the upper right corner of the default Check-in screen. Click on the Profile icon at the bottom right of the MySejahtera main screen.
If your profile showing last updates in Mar or Apr kena saman RM 1k. You can also find the MySejatera web page here. Welcome To Our Channel Rohingya skynet Thank You So Much For Watching And Dont Forget To Subscribe Our Channel And The Bell Icon For More update MySejahter.
Update MySejahtera to the latest version. In particular travellers are required to update their vaccination details on the MySejahtera. Please make sure your my sejahtera is up to date.
How to fill in the form for MySejahtera Travelers to Johor Malaysia From Singapore 1. Click on the Profile icon at the bottom right of the MySejahtera main screen. Step 1.
You have successfully updated your COVID-19 status in MySejahtera. This blog post describes how to do this. To that end the MySejahtera team will be pushing out a new built version that will make the display of your COVID-19 Risk Level and Vaccination Status more prominent.
Scroll to the bottom of the Profile screen until you see a list of your vaccine dependents My Dependent Status. Launch MySejahtera and close the default Check in screen. If it doesnt work delete the old account you are not using anymore.
Key in your telephone number and email address. Download the MySejatera App for IOS and Google Playstore here. Select Option N - I have received my vaccination overseas and would like to obtain my digital certificate in MySejahtera.
Launch MySejahtera and close the default Check in screen. Select whether you had the first dose only the second dose only or both doses. Answer the six survey questions and tap Submit.
How to update mysejahtera account how to update mysejahtera profileHi I Am Mantjeer shekh.
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